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Residence permit
Health examination
Medical insurance
Visa Application
2019-10-02 21:56:38  点击:

I. Application Materials

A new student shall apply for a visa for educational purposes to a Chinese Embassy (Consulate) with the Letter of Offer, Application Form for Visas for Educational Purpose by Aliens (Form JW201/202), Health Examination Record for Aliens, and Blood Test Report (originals).

 II. Application Deadline

An international student whose duration of stay is longer than 6 months shall enter China with a visa for educational purposes (Class X1). The validity of such a visa is 30 days. The student shall apply for a residence permit within 30 days after entering China, and register at the College according to the schedule on the Letter of Offer. Please do not enter China too early. The residence permit may only be applied for when the registration is completed and the fees are paid.

An international student whose duration of stay is shorter than 6 months shall enter China with a visa for educational purposes (Class X2), and stay in China for the period specified in the visa. In this case, the student does not need to apply for a residence visa. If the original stay needs to be extended, a residence permit shall be applied for before the expiry of the visa.

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